Lake County pricing: Walk behind lawn mower tune up: 74.95 plus parts
Wide cut mower tune up 30": 89.95 plus parts
Lawn tractor mower tune up: 139.95 plus parts
Residential zero turn tune up: 139.95 plus parts
Commercial sized zero turn tune up: 149.95 plus parts
Snow blower tune up: 78.95 plus parts
Walk behind leaf blower, power washers, and edger tune up: 54.95 plus parts
General repair: 89.95 per hour, 1 hour minimum
Service call fee applied to all non general service tune up work $50
Inquiry for service fees outside of Lake County, subject to availability!
Pricing subject to change without notice! No hidden fees, no costly pick up and delivery charges, up front pricing! We accept credit cards!
Tune ups consist of sharpening blades, cleaning mower decks, changing air filters, pre filters, spark plugs, fuel filters, oil , oil filters, greasing, adjusting unit to proper running conditions, airing tires, check charging system, and a complete unit inspection.